Rosalita Playing in the Snow

Rosalita Playing in the Snow

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Youtube is Addicting

According to Wikipedia 100 million videos are watched every day. Wow that's a lot of videos. I know I have spent hours on Youtube just going from video to video. What I really like about a tool like Youtube is how it makes information so accessible. I take a martial art called Shuai Chiao. Now this martial art is thousands of years old but is not as popular as Judo or Tae Kwon Do so there are not too many books out about Shuai Chiao. Now on Youtube there are videos about my martial art that I have used to learn new techniques.
In applying this to the library just think of all the possiblities for sharing information with not only staff but customers.

Below are two links that show the Grand Master of Shuai Chiao doing some throws:

Also, the link below is a clip with "Art Vandelay"

1 comment:

Cat Herself said...

Oh yes, I have spent hours and hours on YouTube; finding great music, reminiscing on old TV shows, etc.